JOIM Conference Series
The JOIM Conference Series extends the mandate of the Journal Of Investment Management bridging the theory and practice of investment management. Conferences showcase high quality presentations and a platform for interactive discussions of current topics in the investment management arena. Conference consists of a dinner keynote speaker and two days of presentations and discussions with experts in the field.
JOIM Conference – AI in Finance II
April 21 – 23, 2025 / Santa Clara University campus
Leavey School of Business
Registration open
This conference will focus on the latest developments in AI in finance. More generally, talks will also cover important issues currently under debate in the AI ecosystem that are relevant for investment management. Topics such as the role of closed and open AI, responsible AI, and the future of the workplace will be discussed.
Bratin Saha, Digital Ocean, Keynote speaker
Democratizing GenAI: Why, How, and Implications
Brian Granger, Jupyter open source team, CalPoly San Luis Obispo and AWS
Open Source and AI
Markus Pelger, Stanford University
Do AI-Algorithmic Traders Lead to Market Instability? A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach
Gustavo Schwenkler, Santa Clara University
The Different Networks Of Firms Implied By The News
Mihail Velikov, Penn State University
AI-Powered (Finance) Scholarship
In addition, we will have two regular presentations and panel discussion:
Jose Menchero, Bloomberg
Why Traditional Risk Models Overstate Factor Risk
Roger Ibbotson, Yale
Panel Discussion led by Deep Srivastav, Franklin Templeton
Kevin Pemberton and Jason Kappel, Microsoft
Exploring how artificial intelligence is transforming decision-making, risk management, and operational efficiencies across the financial. More….
Risk Managers, Portfolio Managers, Pension Managers, Plan Sponsors, Endowments, Senior Executives of Financial Firms and Academics would all benefit from attending.

A very special thanks to the Advisory Council: