Submission Guidelines
The Journal Of Investment Management (JOIM) is a high quality, fully refereed publication, which bridges the theory and practice of investment management. The JOIM offers rigorous research with practical significance, drawing from the disciplines of finance, economics and accounting. Special issues on timely topics including distinguished authors who have both impressive academic and professional experience are a highlight. Our overall goal is to be mindful of the need to present the very best quality material in a form appealing to the practitioner, student and academic.
Manuscripts submitted to the JOIM for review must be original work, significant extensions of existing work or reviews for practitioners in the area of investment management and related fields, not currently under consideration with another publication, part of a book to be published or any form of distribution.
Practitioner’s version of existing work is welcomed for submission. The overriding principle is to emphasize market intuition versus theoretical detail. In addition, to the extent possible, additional data and conclusion extension(s) are desirable. Practitioner’s Guidelines
It is understood that the author will not submit the article to another publication until a decision has been reached by the editorial board. Once a manuscript is accepted for publishing, JOIM holds the copyright. Any and all content may not be copied, posted on websites and/or distributed without JOIM’s consent. Author(s) of accepted papers are prohibited from publishing the results in other publications that appear before/after the paper is published in the Journal unless they receive approval for doing so from the managing editor. Further, all “working papers” must reference JOIM. Our framework for editorial review is fundamental to our mission. Aside from the double blind refereeing of all manuscripts, authors are encouraged to place equations in a technical appendix with each equation accompanied by a descriptive interpretation in words.
Call For Papers
The JOIM is currently accepting manuscript submissions in the area of investment management and related fields for a special issue series. Data Science including Artificial Intelligence Analysis, Asset allocation, Machine Learning / FinTech, Optimization, Behavioral Finance, Retirement Investing and Liquidity are of particular interest.
Submission Fee – A submission fee must be paid at the time of submission. We accept Visa/MC credit cards. Submission fees are non-refundable.
Practitioner/academic ( US ) – $295.00
This includes an annual subscription to the print version of JOIM and full electronic access to all issues.
Practitioner/academic ( International ) – $325.00
The includes an annual subscription to the print version of JOIM and full electronic access to all issues.
Practitioner/academic (with an active paid subscription) – $135.00
Submission Process
Submit to: editor @
Initial submission should be in either Word or pdf format. Manuscripts should be no more than 40 pages (including tables figures, references and appendixes). Initial response should take 30 days. Response from the Editor maybe rejection, request a revision per the referee’s comments or accept the manuscript with minor revisions. Before submission, please insure the title/paper/abstract is not referenced anywhere on the internet. If your manuscript is accepted, the following will be requested:
- Practitioner’s Digest
1-3 paragraph discussing practical significance of the paper without use of equations. The objective is to highlight the practical application of the manuscript. This would be a statement of why the subscriber should be motivated to read the manuscript. - Copy Right Form – all author(s) must sign
- Keywords (three to six)
Manuscript Cover Page – The cover page should include manuscript title, abstract and author’s name(s) / title, affiliation(s) / email address(es)
Abstract – The abstract (100 words or less) should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the paper. It should not contain any references or displayed equations.
Acknowledgement – This section should come before References.
Manuscript Section Numbering – The introduction should not be numbered. Any subsequent section numbering should be done in Roman numerals.
Conclusion Statement – The main conclusions of the article should be stated succinctly. Mathematical proofs and tables should be placed in an appendix. These proofs should be adequately explained in words by the author in the article.
Copy Rights
Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, JOIM holds the copyright. The Author(s) represents that he/she is the author(s) and proprietor of this Article, that he/she has full power to make this Agreement on behalf of himself and co-authors, and that this Article has not heretofore been published elsewhere. The Author(s) shall obtain written permission and pay all fees for use of any literary or illustration material for which rights are held by others. The Author(s) agrees to hold the Journal Of Investment Management (JOIM) harmless against any suit, demand, claim or recovery, finally sustained, by reason of any violation of proprietary right or copyright, or any unlawful matter contained in this Article. Further, Author(s) are prohibited from publishing the results in other publication formats unless they receive written approval for doing so from the JOIM Editor.
Additional Copyright Restrictions: Author(s) agrees that any and all content will not be published elsewhere, copied and / or placed on the Internet without written permission from JOIM. Further, JOIM hereby requests that all Working Papers on SSRN state “Working Papers” and cite “Forthcoming in the Journal Of Investment Management.” In addition, JOIM grants Author(s) to post/acknowledge the title, abstract and link to the published article to the JOIM’s website. The published version will be available for licensing for a fee.
Endnotes – The initial endnote, identifying the author by title and affiliation, should be marked with an asterisk. Endnotes in the text must be numbered consecutively and typed on a separate page, double-spaced, following the reference section.
Figures – Figures and graphs must be submitted in their original form and without embedding images in Word files. Figures must be numbered sequentially, and contain a description or legend as appropriate. Figures are to be inserted in the text nearest their first reference. If the publisher is required to reduce the figures, ensure that the figures (including lettering and numbers) are large enough to be clearly seen after reduction.
Equations – Equations must be submitted in their original form, not as graphical images. Figures must be numbered sequentially. Displayed equations should be centered on the page width.
Headings – headings should be typeset in boldface, with the first letter of important words capitalized. Subheadings should be typeset in italics (section number to be in italic), with the first letter of first word capitalized and the section number in italic face.
References – References must be typed at the end of the paper, listed alphabetically, and should appear in the text as follows: Agarwal, V., Boyson, N. M., and Naik, N. (2009). “Hedge Funds for Retail Investors? An Examination of Hedged Mutual Funds,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44, 273-305.
Agarwal, V. and Naik, N. (2004). “Risks and Portfolio Decisions Involving Hedge Funds,” Review of Financial Studies 17, 63-98.
Tables – Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. Some space should be left above and below the table. Tables must be sequentially numbered and adequately explained with a title and legend, where appropriate. Captions are to be centered above the tables.