Sanjiv R. Das, Hoje Jo and Yongtae Kim Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 View PDF… Read more
Fourth Quarter (2004)
BOOK REVIEWS: The Wisdom of Crowds / The Oxford Guide to Financial Modeling
Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 The Wisdom of Crowds James Surowiecki Reviewed by Craig W. French The Oxford Guide to Financial Modeling Thomas S.Y. Ho and Sang Bin Lee Reviewed by Mark Kritzman View PDF… Read more
CASE STUDIES: The Fed Watchers
Jack L. Treynor Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 View PDF… Read more
Sifting Through the Wreckage: Lessons from Recent Hedge-Fund Liquidations
Mila Getmansky, Andrew W. Lo and Shauna X. Mei Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 We document the empirical properties of a sample of 1,765 funds in the TASS Hedge Fund database from 1977 to 2004 that are no longer active. The TASS sample shows that attrition rates differ significantly across investment styles, from… Read more
AIRAP – Alternative RAPMs for Alternative Investments
Milind Sharma Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter2004 This paper highlights the inadequacies of traditional RAPMs (risk-adjusted performance measures) and proposes AIRAP (alternative investments risk-adjusted performance), based on Expected Utility theory, as a RAPM better suited to alternative investments. AIRAP is the implied certain return that a risk-averse investor would trade off for holding risky… Read more
The Dangers of Mechanical Investment Decision-Making: The Case of Hedge Funds
Harry M. Kat Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 Over the last 20 years, investors have come to approach investment decision-making in an increasingly mechanical manner. Optimizers are filled up with historical return data and the “optimal” portfolio follows almost automatically. In this paper, we argue that such an approach can be extremely dangerous… Read more
Alternative Investments: CTAs, Hedge Funds, and Funds-of-Funds
Bing Liang Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 In this paper, we study alternative investment vehicles such as hedge funds, funds-of-funds, and commodity trading advisors (CTAs) by investigating their performance, risk, and fund characteristics. Considering them as three distinctive investment classes, we study them not only on a stand-alone basis but also on a… Read more
Extracting Portable Alphas from Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds
William Fung and David A. Hsieh Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 This paper shows empirically that Equity Long/Short (Equity L/S) hedge funds have significant alpha to both conventional as well as alternative (hedge fund-like) risk factors utilizing hedge fund data from three major data bases. Following the terminology introduced in Fung and Hsieh… Read more
Fees on Fees in Funds of Funds
Stephen J. Brown, William N. Goetzmann and Bing Liang Volume 2, Number 4, Fourth Quarter 2004 Funds of funds are an increasingly popular avenue for hedge fund investment. Despite the increasing interest in hedge funds as an alternative asset class, the high degree of fund-specific risk and the lack of transparency may give fiduciaries pause… Read more